T-Shock Toning

The Cryo T-Shock Toning Treatments are perfect to tighten loose, saggy skin and redefine muscles.

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About the service

Cryo T-Shock Toning applies both hot and cold temperatures to shock skin tissue into stimulating collagen. This action of heating or cooling creates a “T” (Thermal) Shock which hyper-stimulates your already existing elastin fibers deep below the surface for an additional tightening effect. The application of heat immediately improves blood and lymphatic flow within treated areas while the T-Shock can also help with loose saggy muscles by helping redefine them too - all without any pain.

Cryo T-Shock treatments exploit the natural response of our skin to produce collagen and elastin, which gives you that youthful look. The cold temperature causes a significant thermal shock that hyper stimulates cells deep below where additional tightening can be seen on top; this is perfect for loose saggy skin as well because it tightens up those areas more than others!

What to Expect

  • 45- 60 minutes application (depending on the body part) utilizing the Cryo T-Shock machine by Pagani.
  • Applies both heat and cold temperature to stimulate collagen and elastin production.
  • Boost oxygen and blood flow in the tissue & skin.
  • Tighten loose & crepey skin.
  • Target neck/chin to reduce a double chin and tighten turkey necks.
  • Sculpt & add more definition to abs and muscles.
  • Recommended frequency for is 2x/week.

Areas for Treament

  • Neck
  • Chest
  • Arms
  • Stomach
  • Back
  • Glutes
  • Legs

T-Shock Toning Single Session


T-Shock Toning 5-Sessions

$320/Session | Save $150. $1600

T-Shock Toning 10-Sessions

$315/Session | Save $350. $3150

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