Think of Skintention as a skincare studio with a comprehensive, proven, result-oriented solution to skin and problems that you thought could never be solved.
Let Skintention plot your course towards a comprehensive and effective acne treatment regimen.
The Cryo T-Shock Cellulite Treatment is a combination of fat reduction with tissue and skin and tissue rejuvenation to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
The Cryo T-Shock Treatment is a treatment that applies both hot and cold temperatures to crystallize, stimulate apoptosis in the cells of unwanted fats.
Lightwave’s patented Red, Infrared, & Blue Light therapy can dramatically revitalize your skin without any downtime or discomfort.
Keratin Lash Lift treatment will give you the look of longer lashes in approximately 1 hour in a painless, safe, and non-invasive way.
Skintention is the skin care studio that starts by making your skin glow with health and vitality... like you never even imagined was possible.
The Cryo T-Shock Toning Treatments are perfect to tighten loose, saggy skin and redefine muscles.